Why is AMISOM withdrawing from Somalia?


The President of Burundi, Evariste Ndayishimiye, has stated that the withdrawal of AMISOM troops from Somalia due to lack of coordination could jeopardize the Force’s previous achievements in restoring peace and security in Somalia.

He was speaking at a press conference he and his Kenyan counterpart Uhuru Kenyatta held last night at the State Lodge in Kismu, Kenya, where the President of Burundi will be attending the Kenya National Day celebrations at the airport. celebrated today.

He called for consultations on the withdrawal of all AMISOM troops from Somalia, before taking any unilateral decision.

“Any proposal to reduce the number of AMISOM troops in Somalia must be weighed against the threat posed by Al Shabaab, so as not to lose parts of the borders previously taken over by AMISOM,” he said.

He added that countries deploy in Somalia and the African Union should be consultations on any plan for reducing stronger AMISOM.

Burundi is one of the African countries in the RRU in Somalia, as part of a peacekeeping mission in Somalia, while other countries are part of the mission are: Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda.

However, AMISOM troops are scheduled to be withdrawn from Somalia in December 2021, after the UN Security Council extended the mandate of AMISOM on February 28 this year.

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